Our Independent Day School is thriving! The classrooms are full of students working collaboratively, building character, forming friendships, growing spiritually, and developing self-confidence and competency among their peers, in their communities, and across cultures.
Families choosing to send their children to our school recognize that at Lippman their children will have the opportunity to reach their academic potential at the same time that they are able to develop their own unique voice. From word-of-mouth referrals shared by our current families to the many featured articles and press that have highlighted our school’s innovative programming, it is not an overstatement to say we are the “talk of the town!"
Through the support and hard work of so many, we have been able to maintain a focus on each individual child’s educational journey, hire and retain excellent teachers, and build a successful, dynamic educational model that has drawn both local and national interest. We have educational programming and partnerships in our community (e.g. with the Metro Parks, Akron Public Schools, The University of Akron and Kent State University), across the country in Montana, and overseas in Israel.
Our middle school experiential education programs, two weeks in Israel and one week on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation and Yellowstone National Park in alternating years, offers our students first-hand learning opportunities that no other middle school offers. Throughout their Lippman School experience, our students are inspired to understand the world in all of its complexity, and with a degree of optimism, respect, and obligation to act as responsible citizens of the world.
Whether you are a prospective family, or an old friend, we welcome your visit to our dynamic school!
Sam Chestnut