
Our Curriculum achieves proven student success:

The Lippman School provides students with an outstanding education encompassing 21st Century Skills and a strong global perspective. These skills include cross-curricular critical thinking, problem solving, leadership and creativity. Beyond the core classes (science, technology, language arts, math, art, and music), students may choose one area of focus: World Cultures and Spanish or Jewish Studies and Hebrew.

Each year, students in grades two through eight sit for nationally normed standardized testing. These tests are used by thousands of schools across the country to measure content area growth and academic performance.

On average, our students score in the 88th percentile compared to national school norms, meaning that The Lippman School's average student scores better than 88% of the students across the United States. Additionally, Lippman test results demonstrate that our second through eighth grade students score a mean of 1.95 grade levels higher than comparable national grade levels.

We pride ourselves on the fact that many of our eighth graders advance to Honors, Pre-IB and Advanced Placement classes in high-tier public, private or Magnet Arts high schools. Additionally, tracking our alums has clearly indicated that a Lippman School primary and middle school education has effectively prepared them for a college experience at some of the most prestigious universities in the country.

Enrolling now Transitional K-8. Click here to schedule a tour.
The Lippman School | 750 White Pond Drive | Akron, OH 44320 | Phone: 330.836.0419 | Fax: 330.869.2514